The demonstration provided a platform for a broad cross-section of speakers.
The authors want to deduce a brief formulation, and use all-purpose program to get exact result for echelon, rectangle and rotundity cross section.
This law abolished special educational requirements for federal jurors and required them to be selected at random from a cross section of the entire community.
The problem of the dipole cloud is an effective scattering cross-section while observed by a monostatic radar was studied.
And then of course as part of the absorption we have a fission cross section which, as I said earlier, is what we want to focus on so we can make some power and some heat.
We call that a cross section which is the microscopic cross section which as we mentioned before could be absorption, capture, fission, scatter.
These requirements represent a pretty good cross-section of the CS curriculum.
The results are based on the findings of a two-year study of a cross-section of the British population, which examined the effects of ageing on the cardiovascular system.
The results are based on the findings of a two-year study of a cross-section of the British population which examined the effects of ageing on the cardiovascular system.
Now when you look at uranium cross section as a function of energy and that's this neutron energy from EVs to MEV levels.
These can provide value to a broad cross-section of readers, but what it's important to take from them is a sense of possibilities, not a set of rules.
Reporting from the front lines of the current conflict indicates that the rebels reflect a complex cross-section of society.
We can then look at uranium 238 which has a relatively low absorption thermal energy range and essentially has no fission cross section which is why we call uranium 238 a fertile atom.
Bidders are shown only a cross section of the ribs.
Researchers also calculated a property known as the cross-section, which describes how likely the particle is to interact with others.
No ranking of high schools is perfect, and this one offers a cross-section, rather than an exhaustive appraisal, of college admissions.
And that is measured as a macroscopic cross section of absorption thermal divided by the integral of all energies in terms of absorptions.
Table 3 doesn't provide an exclusive list of applications but represents a cross-section of interesting USES.
Instead of using a single fuselage cylinder, they used two partial cylinders placed side by side to create a wider structure whose cross-section resembles two soap bubbles joined together.
The requirements for each of these users were different enough and provided a good cross-section of users.
This particular store is clearly making an effort to function as a regular grocery by keeping certain staples - such as milk, cheese, a cross-section of produce - always available.
An enlarged photo of the cross section cut was then traced with a vector graphics program.The sharp edges, one of which severed the rope, are clearly shown in the illustration.
My fellow shoppers are a cross-section of ages, RACES, and economic classes; the only thing I don't see is someone in a business suit.
And you can see a very high energy as uranium 238 does have a fission cross section which in some ways can be used in fast reactors.
The CME's merger with the Chicago Board of trade (CBOT) has created a derivatives powerhouse that trades a wide cross-section of products.
Now this is a function of cross section, this is a function of energy on a log plot.
So if you take a certain volume and you have a certain amount of material, let's just take the fission cross section as the issue.
It has odd angles (reminiscent of a stealth bomber) to reduce its radar cross-section, and was coated in radar-absorbing material.
The discussion covers only a cross section of the variables; for a detailed discussion, see the Resources section.
The discussion covers only a cross section of the variables; for a detailed discussion, see the Resources section.