Sometimes people may cross a line by Posting inappropriate messages or flirty comments.
As take an examination of grinding popular major, how should examinee prepare economics adequately kind professional second-round exam, be in numerous show itself in the person that cross a line?
When you cross the finish line you'll be given a bar code and you take this to one of the run volunteers, who will scan it.
Imagine a vertical line splitting your body in half — your hands should not cross it.
Note that we do not include project prioritization; this is an example of a decision that may be held by a line of business or higher cross-organizational authority.
Naked shorting can cross the line, however, if a trader does not intend to borrow shares to settle the trade.
This will require using a restricted subset of the language, though hopefully there will be tools to help developers know when they cross the line into F#-only code.
Zhu says that shanzhai generally is a "good thing" for consumers, though he concedes some extreme imitations cross the line to being "absolutely illegal" and their purveyors are difficult to catch.
Don't cross the line by believing that a stronger informal relationship gives you the ability to break the rules of the workplace.
They seemed to be flirting with the boundaries a bit, like they knew there's a line they can't cross but still have some unrepentant glee in dancing back and forth across it.
A northern or Central Line would face severe winter weather. And it would have to cross a wild area called Nebraska.
Instead of pulling objects along a simple straight line, Grier has begun to explore curves, loops and even knotted paths that cross themselves.
Then write a desire and intention list. Cross-reference these lists and see if your to-do actions line up with your desires and intention, the things that are important to you.
Frederick Reichheld, a marketing expert at management consultants Bain & Company, says that most cross-selling fails because companies think only of the next bottom line.
管理咨询公司贝恩公司(Bain&Company)的市场营销专家Frederick Reichheld表示,大多数交叉营销的失败,是由于公司只考虑到下一期的损益表底线。
Native Process API: Adobe has taken a major step towards providing support for native integration while trying to still walk the line on cross-platform promise.
"It'll be hard to get them to cross a state line for a commitment ceremony," he warned.
Commitment isn't the time you spend. It's a line you cross!
Everyone receives a party thrown in their honor when they cross the line of faith and join God's family.
Love has a line we can't cross the line.
The station is small, not on a direct line to King's Cross, and four stops would take you to Tottenham Court Road, five to Leicester Square and six to Charing Cross, all of which are very central.
Record in the logbook must be in ink. Use a single line to cross out mistakes.
To be absolutely kind and selfless is impossible, making Good a finish line girls never get to cross.
Therefore, bearings with a large cross-section are provided with several short rollers in a line.
Return wide serves cross-court or down the middle. Only go down the line if you are going for a winner.
There are no records to demonstrate that the process line filters are being replaced after the manufacture of a product or between product campaigns to prevent cross contamination.
There are no records to demonstrate that the process line filters are being replaced after the manufacture of a product or between product campaigns to prevent cross contamination.