It seems that he is in crotchety opposition to his father.
You grow old if you are irritable, crotchety, petulant, and cantankerous.
A long, crotchety letter, as we might say in Chile: gloomy and irritable.
Once I did have to climb a tree, when I met two crotchety old bulls along a narrow track.
A lot of older people are crotchety because they've been complaining all their lives.
Anyone can experience it and benefit from it, even the most crotchety uncle at the Thanksgiving dinner table.
On deadline day, the paper's crotchety general manager would suddenly appear over her shoulder, inspecting her work for errors.
At his first face-to-face debate with Mr Obama on September 26th, he refused to look his opponent in the face, which made him seem crotchety and disrespectful.
A lot of older people are crotchety because they've been complaining all their lives. Down in Florida, my mother describes condo-association bickering as' nitpicking in paradise.
But just when I get crotchety enough to start shopping for a shawl and rocking chair, along comes what may be the one meme on Twitter that actually warms the cockles of my heart: Follow Friday.
然而当我的脾气古怪到开始准备购买披肩和摇椅,这种时候也许Twitter上的一个小小的流行因子足以温暖我内心的波澜:Follow Friday(星期五跟随日)。
Suffice it to say, though, it is Arthur (with crotchety old Grandsanta's help) who finally saves the day when elder brother Steve's high-tech logistics system overlooks one little girl's stocking.
Or how about a tattoo parlor? What would happen if the artist were painstakingly etching the name Vinny into the fleshy arm of a crotchety client when the resident dog accidentally bumped his arm?
Or how about a tattoo parlor? What would happen if the artist were painstakingly etching the name Vinny into the fleshy arm of a crotchety client when the resident dog accidentally bumped his arm?