A multitude of separations are accomplished by distillation, but its most important and primary function in the refinery is its use for the separation of crude oil into component fractions.
Systems that can not be separated by purely mechanical means (eg crude oil), chemical separation is the remaining solution.
The effects of solvent, temperature, additive and separation time on the refinement process of crude anthracene by using emulsion-crystallization were reported.
The troublesome separation of column chromatography would be avoided as crude product recrystallized inn-butanol.
An analytical procedure as well as the separation method of the hydrocarbon constituents in heavy distillate and residue of crude shale oil is recommended.
Eluants used in eluting chromatographic separation of crude oil family compositions are noxious and volatilizable.
However, normal production is resumed by adding a new crude oil and glycol solution separation unit to ensure the supply of glycol.
Unite station oil-water separation is an important approach to implement crude oil dehydration and separation, it keeps connect directly with crude oil quality and economy benefit of crude production.
The polyamide chromatography separation conditions of crude polyphenol were investigated. The influence of particle size and amount of polyamide used on extraction yield of (-) -egcg were studied.
The methods of separation and analysis of naphthenic acids in crude oil were reviewed.
The crude ore of kaolin is added with water into pulp, the disperser is added for dispersing, and then the flocculation accelerator is mixed, then the selective flocculation separation is undergone.
So the crude oil of ta 'he field is much instability, and colloid and asphaltene are much separation from oil to cause deposition from crude oil system.
Adopted are such methods as density difference and settlement separation to dehydrate such crude oil.
A novel ion exchanger prepared from a strong anion resin modified with histidine was used for purifying crude hyaluronic acid to achieve a successful separation from protein and nucleic acids.
Tn recent years, attractive progress has been made in the well stream pre-separation and the crude dehydration by hydrocyclone during high water-cut production.
Tn recent years, attractive progress has been made in the well stream pre-separation and the crude dehydration by hydrocyclone during high water-cut production.