An increase in oil product demand and in refinery processing volumes helped crude oil import to rise again after last year's decline.
There are equipment corrosion, insufficient heavy oil processing depth, environmental pollution, lower product quality and other problems in inferior crude oil processing.
The residual mixture in the extraction process to produce fatty acid and resin from crude tall oil which is a by-product of paper-making industry, is called tall oil pitch.
Ration loading is an absolutely necessarily process in storing and supplying oil product, and is the tie that coordinates the crude oil transportation and supplying.
Tall oil pitch, which is the residual mixture in the extraction process to produce fatty acid and resin from crude tall oil and is also a by-product of paper-making industry.
The aggregate supply control over petrochemical industry has been basically achieved and the demand and supply of crude oil, product oil and main petrochemical products are balanced on the whole.
Economy of residue processing has been analyzed. Influence of oil price on evaluation result has been analyzed on the basis of three sets price of crude and oil-product as well.
The related oil product is composed of crude oil, fuel oil and semi-finished oil in the crude oil refining process.
The related oil product is composed of crude oil, fuel oil and semi-finished oil in the crude oil refining process.