JBL's UK subsidiary, also offers CFD products, and allow customers to trade on a platform of crude oil, gold, silver, stock indices and foreign exchange.
We are the sole group company to provide online transaction platform covering over 25 items including foreign exchange, precious metals, crude oil, and contract for difference (CFD) etc.
A stress evaluation platform for the oil crude tanker with three cargos is built based on the JTP rules by using the APDL language of ANSYS.
To exploit more crude oil in the limited life of the platform, polymer injection enhanced oil recovery has become the offshore oil field technology choices.
For a production platform of an offshore oil field, drilling multi-branch adjustment Wells is the main approach to keep the crude output stable or increase the crude output.
For a production platform of an offshore oil field, drilling multi-branch adjustment Wells is the main approach to keep the crude output stable or increase the crude output.