But I'm waiting for the number-cruncher person.
'Yes, Jerry,' repeated Mr. Cruncher, sitting down to tea.
LL: A number cruncher is someone who is good with numbers, like an accountant.
咀嚼数字...? 噢,我知道了,anumbercruncher就是会摆弄数字的人,也就是象会计那样会算帐的人。
She may not look like a number cruncher but shes with a big firm of accountants.
It's me! Jery, Jerry Cruncher, from Tellson's Bank, Sir, 'cried the man on the horse.
'It's me! Jerry, Jerry Cruncher, from Tellson's Bank, Sir,' cried the man on the horse.
Cruncher looked at him then or afterwards, seemed to be concentratedon the ceiling of the court.
Originally developed as a number cruncher, the computer assumed a new personality when it was given graphics and sound capabilities.
Disposing these articles about him in skilful manner, he bestowed a parting defiance on Mrs. Cruncher, extinguished the light, and went out.
The GAUSS System can be described several ways: It is an exceptionally efficient number cruncher, a comprehensive programming language, and an interactive analysis environment.
Automation isn't always the answer, says Alan Zdon, 31, co-owner of Auction Cruncher Store (eBay User ID: auctioncruncherstore), who emphasizes the importance of customer service.
The Congressional Budget Office, a non-partisan number-cruncher, reckons about two-thirds of the package could be pumped into the economy within 19 months. That should help soften the recession.
The Congressional Budget Office, a non-partisan number-cruncher, reckons about two-thirds of the package could be pumped into the economy within 19 months. That should help soften the recession.