The cliffs, lapped by a crystal-clear sea, remind her of Capri.
It was covered with tall trees and the swamp was a crystal-clear river.
“We got these films that were crystal-clear, ” Dr. Kaplan said.
As we traveled up the crystal-clear lake, I studied the terrain where I was to work.
The firm counters that although it has multiple roles, they have been made crystal-clear.
The melancholy prince of pop music has a voice that is crystal-clear and smooth. It touches the soul.
Its white sand beaches are bathed by crystal-clear turquoise waters and are a sanctuary for sea turtles.
You want to make crystal-clear what you've done" -- and, by extension, what tangible results you could produce for a prospective employer.
Finally, the waste is topped off with plastic caps, deodorised and landscaped, while a crystal-clear fountain at the entrance tinkles with the cleaned-up leachate.
I want to make my meaning crystal clear.
The message is crystal clear – if you lose weight, you will have a happier, healthier, better life.
The direction of your argument isn't crystal clear.
In late autumn the sky is crystal clear.
AIDS helped make one point crystal clear: equity in health really is a matter of life or death.
Wyoming's Lonesome Lake captures a crystal clear likeness of Cirque of the Towers, a circular mountain-ringed basin in the Wind River Range.
Up from the Hani Rice Terraces, in the mountains above Yuanyang, the water flowing down to irrigate the fields looks crystal clear, and the air is clean.
Up from the Hani Rice Terraces, in the mountains above Yuanyang, the water flowing down to irrigate the fields looks crystal clear, and the air is clean.
I wrote this site in the most basic, practical way possible and made the instruction crystal clear for students and instructors to follow.
Two rivers run along the community property with crystal clear water and large, flowing waterfalls that often encourage visitors to dive in.
Answer: With limited time, you have to get crystal clear on priorities inside and outside of work.
When the right song rattles your eardrums the entire meaning of life seems crystal clear.
Try them for preparing a crystal clear broth and to strain pith and seeds from fresh fruit juices.
In the complicated arena of standards, one thing is crystal clear: Businesses need a way to use them effectively.
There are several written exercises to help you get crystal clear on who you really are, and where you really want to go with your life.
You will almost never have crystal clear clarity, so you will have to work through confusion and uncertainty.
Later they swoop down out of the sky on Egypt, for reasons the movie doesn't make crystal clear, so they also can run in slo-mo from explosions.
If the law were always crystal clear, after all, many parties would not have to go to court to duke it out.
Thompson: A Results-Only Work Environment is about you having complete control over your time. Managers and employees need to get crystal clear about outcomes.
汤普森 :结果至上式的工作环境需要你充分掌控自己的时间,经理和员工要对产出有清醒的认识。
Thompson: A Results-Only Work Environment is about you having complete control over your time. Managers and employees need to get crystal clear about outcomes.
汤普森 :结果至上式的工作环境需要你充分掌控自己的时间,经理和员工要对产出有清醒的认识。