Estimates suggest that for every cubic meter of vent discharge, 350 milligrams of particulate organic material would be advected into the vent area.
One cubic meter has a lifting capacity of about 1.1kg.
First cubic meter of concrete is mounted in the rollway of the future dam.
The value of the critical density is very small: it corresponds to roughly 6 hydrogen atoms per cubic meter, an astonishingly good vacuum by terrestrial standards!
If they are all extended and the essence of matter is just extension, then it looks like, wherever you have a cubic meter of stuff, you have got a cubic meter of stuff, that's all there's to it.
For example, meeting growing demand by finding a new source of water or by building a new dam in a place like California could cost up to 60 cents per cubic meter of water.
Chronic exposure to more than 65 micrograms per cubic meter of any type of particle in this size range may increase risk for health problems.
But switch the source to a river or an aquifer, and the cost of a cubic meter of water can plummet to 10 to 20 cents, and farmers often pay far less.
During one dust storm, airborne aluminum concentrations exceeded 1,400 micrograms per cubic meter.
During one dust storm, airborne aluminum concentrations exceeded 1, 400 micrograms per cubic meter.
The EPA's threshold for safe exposure to PM 2.5 particles, as they're called, is 15 micrograms per cubic meter of air.
美国环保局的安全环境门槛是可吸入颗粒为PM 2.5,即每立方米空气中颗粒含量为15(译者:应该为25)微克。
Notice that the density of the syrup in terms of kilograms per cubic meter - is very close to C2 — I mentioned that earlier.
The study found that the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator had an annual average PM10s density of 279 micrograms per cubic meter, followed by another west Iranian city, Sanandaj, with 254 micrograms.
S. national air quality standards.During one dust storm, airborne aluminum concentrations exceeded 1,400 micrograms per cubic meter.
S. national air quality standards. During one dust storm, airborne aluminum concentrations exceeded 1,400 micrograms per cubic meter.
While concentrations varied daily, typical concentrations of lead particles ranged from 0.6 to 1 microgram per cubic meter of air, Bell and her thesis adviser Catherine Cahill found.
These steel ball bearings have a density of about 7,800 kilograms per cubic meter.
In Krakow, 17.96 nanograms per cubic meter; in New York City, 2.26.
The dimension of the cases are 17cm high, 30 cm wide and 50 cm long with a volume of about 0.026 cubic meter. The gross weight is 23.5kg.
纸盒的尺寸为高17cm,宽30 cm,长50 cm,体积为0.026 m3,毛重为23.5kg。
Their standard model treats the universe as though its density did not vary from place to place but had a uniform, average value of one atom per cubic meter.
The sand content in the water of Qiandao Lake averages just 0.007 kilos per cubic meter.
As to the series of concrete mixer truck produced by our company, you can choose domestic or imported chassis, the horse power: 240-420, the effective volume of the tank body: 8-16 cubic meter.
我公司生产的系列混凝土搅拌运输车,国产、进口底盘均可选配,功率覆盖240- 420马力,罐体有效搅拌容积8 - 16立方米。
Weight per Volume: Tons per Cubic Yard, Pounds per Cubic Yard, and Kilograms per Cubic Meter.
According to tests, a pot of aloe can absorb about one cubic meter of air in 90% formaldehyde.
The researchers found that the long-term death rate from lung cancer rose by 8 per cent for every 10-microgram increase in the average concentration of PM2.5s per cubic meter.
Statistics showed that the time-effect models are parabola functions with maximum values when the mussel population density ranges from 6.25 to 31.25 per cubic meter.
They quote me 4 per cubic meter.
They quote me 4 per cubic meter.