The tongue offends, and the ears get the cuffing.
In 1990 the agency allowed laser cuffing of soft tissue such as gums.
And he was Palestinian, in the sense that when he strolled through the Jenin streets, familiarly cuffing and glad-handing the children who swarmed round him, he was one of them.
But while I think cuffing is a real phenomena, most people do it on a subconscious basis rather than deliberately choosing relationships they assume will only last a few months.
The next moment he was "showing off" with all his might—cuffing boys, pulling hair, making faces—in a word, using every art that seemed likely to fascinate a girl and win her applause.
Some 15 minutes later, state troopers spotted Wells standing outside his Geo Metro in a nearby parking lot, surrounded him, and tossed him to the pavement, cuffing his hands behind his back.
Some 15 minutes later, state troopers spotted Wells standing outside his Geo Metro in a nearby parking lot, surrounded him, and tossed him to the pavement, cuffing his hands behind his back.