As densities increased, domestic architecture became larger, culminating in crowded pueblos.
By completing assignments preliminary to the culminating essay in each phase of the course, you will examine and rehearse the writing process.
It also will explore the nature and function of narrative in cinema and video through exercises and screenings culminating in a final project.
Heart failure (CHF) is the direct cause of death of a variety of cardiovascular diseases, culminating in irreversible myocardial necrosis and fibrosis.
As selected events happen within the hub, a series of steps will be triggered, culminating in a message about the event being sent to an external system.
There was a sequence of pharaohs culminating around 2615 BC, with the Pharaoh Cheops who built the biggest thing, the Great Pyramid, also known as Khufu.
A massive monument of ancient Egypt having a rectangular base and four triangular faces culminating in a single apex, built over or around a crypt or tomb.
Macau's multiple education system is likely to decline, culminating in a unified or a unipolar situation without proper guidance and necessary improvements.
An important feature is that no personal judgments need be made, culminating in all analysts using this method coming to the same conclusion on the same day.
This production course will explore the nature and function of narrative in cinema and video through exercises and screenings culminating in a final project.
The TV, print and digital elements of the campaign will begin to run globally later this month, culminating at the season-ending WTA Championships in Istanbul.
In culminating measure after spreading out, " airy ala " it is among them important that to class big award activity becomes a player to indulge one of elements.
Their history textbooks, even those produced with EU subsidies, will tell a glorious though mythical story of centuries of national struggle culminating on this day.
"A great benefit of planning ahead is that you're not setting yourself up for the idea that this marathon is the culminating event of your running career," she says.
Our practice blends together the very best we have to offer, culminating in an experience so special and so successful as to rival the very properties we represent.
The role of the main function (see Listing 7) then becomes solely instantiating the proper input and output formats, culminating in the readFeaturesInto function call.
主函数的作用(参见清单7)就继而变成了单纯地实例化恰当的输入和输出格式,并最后以readFeaturesInto 函数调用告终。
The museum is divided across five split levels that accommodate the sloping site, and features a stepped roof culminating in a viewing platform over the park and city.
Just because everybody has been talking about the culminating episode at the dedication of the Harvard Union Tuesday night, possibly nobody may think to report it to you.
To the surprise of the audience, the ushers, groomsmen and bridesmaids then progressively dance down the aisle, culminating in the groom, Kevin, tumbling through the group.
The decade Sir Fred Goodwin spent at the top of the Royal bank of Scotland, RBS went on an acquisition spree culminating in the disastrous purchase of ABN AMRO, a Dutch bank.
Each team may own a module or component they deliver upstream for integration with components from other locations or companies, culminating in a final application or product.
There's plenty of jargon-ridden academic work on how audiencehood is an active state, culminating in the extreme (ie, French) notion that the reader actually creates the novel.
In the decade Sir Fred Goodwin spent at the top of the Royal bank of Scotland, RBS went on an acquisition spree culminating in the disastrous purchase of ABN AMRO, a Dutch bank.
弗雷德·古德温爵士担任苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)最高职位的十年间,苏格兰皇家银行进行了疯狂的并购,以灾难性地收购荷兰银行(abn AMRO)而告终。
The colourful ceremony featured a number of speeches, live music performance and traditional dance demonstrations, before culminating in the traditional "bathing Buddha" ritual.
The building's roof rises from the lawn at the front to cover the various connected volumes, culminating in the elevated master bedroom where it wraps and frames a picture window.
As the night wore on, the awards became slightly more American — culminating in the documentary awards presentation by the all-American Tom Hanks with U.S. service personnel abroad.
Criticism had emerged since the 1970s that Japanese schools tried to cram too much knowledge into children's heads, culminating in hellish exams to get into prestigious schools. AFP.
Criticism had emerged since the 1970s that Japanese schools tried to cram too much knowledge into children's heads, culminating in hellish exams to get into prestigious schools. AFP.