As many couples will attest, they have: success stories abound, crediting technology in one way or another as their 21st century Cupid.
That is, people on OK Cupid who have answered yes to one are likely to have answered yes to the other.
Venus had not counted on one detail, though. Cupid, upon seeing Psyche, himself fell in love with her.
Venus, playing one day with her boy Cupid, wounded her bosom with one of his arrows.
One of their children was Eros (Cupid), the winged god of love.
One night, while Cupid slept, she cautiously carried a lamp to his bed to gaze upon his face.
My love I did cancelled my profile with cupid, is no longer there…You are the only one I want in my life…I only need one relationship not 2-3-4-…
One day, there was a banquet in heaven. Venus took her son Cupid to participate in it. A girl with pretty image but sad eyes attracted Cupid.
One day, there was a banquet in heaven. Venus took her son Cupid to participate in it. A girl with pretty image but sad eyes attracted Cupid.