We should increase input in agriculture, develop advanced technologies, curb market speculation, increase food assistance and intensify cooperation in food.
Its decision to press ahead now is part of stepped-up efforts since early last year, including two interest-rate rises, to curb speculation in the property market and show the poor it CARES.
But all of the big Banks in the foreign-exchange market, they say, were called and urged to curb their dollar purchases.
Policymakers should have intervened to curb the excesses but were hamstrung by free-market ideology.
The top priority of the international community is to take all the necessary measures to restore market confidence as soon as possible and curb the spread of the financial crisis.
It's a way to curb price pressures and stabilize the market.
The minimum margins vary, depending on whether there is need to stimulate the market or curb its speculative enthusiasm.
The market will still be under pressure from shrinking money supply after the holiday, as regulators tighten liquidity and add new share supplies to curb possible asset bubbles.
Some scholars believe that levying securities transaction tax or raising the tax rate will increase transaction costs, curb speculation, and reduce market volatility, and vice versa.
Some scholars believe that levying securities transaction tax or raising the tax rate will increase transaction costs, curb speculation, and reduce market volatility, and vice versa.