The measuring circuit of the current sensor isolated measuring method is completely isolated from firing circuit, thus the measuring accuracy and test reliability can be improved.
The principle of compensation method to measure resistance is analyzed, and the measuring circuit of voltage compensation and current compensation is designed.
It's equipped with a power saving circuit, a data interface, indication of exceeded measuring ranges and a flexible current sensor, and can be used even under very unfavorable mechanical conditions.
The apparatus includes a digital voltage measuring circuit controllably coupled to selected ones of the voltage measurement electrodes and digitally controlled current sources.
Eddy current testing for measuring rebound clearance of aluminum skin caused by bending is described including its basic principles, characteristics and the design of measuring circuit and software.
A special testing sequence input is need for measuring maximum dyna - mic current of a combinational logic circuit.
Based on optoelectronic measuring system, arc voltage drops are observed in arc running process of current limiting circuit breaker.
It introduces circuit structure, operating principle and solves problems of temperature shift and dc constant-current power supply quality effect on measuring accuracy.
In this paper, a new hardware circuit of real time measuring for mine hoist force diagram based on alternating current sampling is proposed. The software algorithm is also given in the paper.
The measuring circuit for RMS of non-Sin welding current and the precise triggers of SCR using interrupt controllers and timers in AduC812 MCU are also described.
The measuring circuit for RMS of non-Sin welding current and the precise triggers of SCR using interrupt controllers and timers in AduC812 MCU are also described.