Referred to the achievement of current controlled voltage source converter, the idea of current control is introduced into MC.
It detects each harmonic current and generates the compensating current with the controlled current source, then it injects the current into the compensating winding.
Meanwhile, an average current mode controlled power source is used to provide constant charging current to these selected cells.
The current of current-controlled current source (CCCS) branch is controlled by the current of another branch, which makes it difficult to build the node impedances matrix (Z-matrix).
Conversely, if the current through an ideal current source is determined by some other voltage or current in a circuit, it is called a dependent or controlled current source.
This paper presents an novel hysteretic current controller which is used in current-controlled voltage-source-inverter.
The newly direct current transmission (VSC-HVDC) technology is refers USES full-controlled semiconductor device, and potential source converter based direct current transmission technology.
新型直流输电(VSC - HVDC)技术是指采用全控型功率半导体器件的电压源换流器的直流输电技术。
The newly direct current transmission (VSC-HVDC) technology is refers USES full-controlled semiconductor device, and potential source converter based direct current transmission technology.
新型直流输电(VSC - HVDC)技术是指采用全控型功率半导体器件的电压源换流器的直流输电技术。