Cut from the current cursor position to the end of the current line.
To clear data from the current cursor position the end of a line, you use tput el.
To clear data from the current cursor position to the end of the device, you use tput Ed.
If the snap is set to Point, then the left mouse button will simply pick the current cursor position.
For example, you can loop through projects and update their statuses based on the current cursor position (see Listing 5).
The TidyAndResetCursor function first makes a record of the current cursor position, by storing the cursor information returned by the built-in getpos in the variable cursor_pos.
TidyAndResetCurs or函数可以通过存储在变量cursor _ pos中内置的getpos返回的指针信息,来记录当前指针的位置。
These events include helpful information, such as the event type and the current position of the cursor on the page.
The key is that the SQL statement in the prepared statement references the current position of the cursor, so you can execute it multiple times and update different rows.
The variable $this denotes the current position of the XML cursor.
变量 $this 表示XML 游标的当前位置。
Sets current mouse cursor position.
Advances the cursor of this enumerator from its current position so that the specified number of elements are skipped.
Sets the next instruction to be executed, according to the cursor position in the current source file.
The GetCursorPos function returns a TPoint record containing current mouse cursor position coordinates in pixels.
The GetCursorPos function returns a TPoint record containing current mouse cursor position coordinates in pixels.