Do you have a current electricity or gas bill in your name?
In general, there is no distinction between "static electricity" and "current electricity".
Worldwide, wind energy under the same constraints could supply at least 40 times the current electricity consumption.
We make estimates of what we think it would cost to actually make a fusion power plant. And we get within about the same price as current electricity.
It stands to lose over 70 percent of its current electricity supply when South Africa, recently beset by power shortages, halts energy exports to Botswana by 2013.
A recent study by Xi Lu of Harvard University calculates that wind power in the U.S. could potentially generate 16 times the nation's current electricity production.
They found that CSP in the Mediterranean region, for example, could provide 70-80% of current electricity demand, at no extra cost compared to gas-fired power plants.
According to America's Department of Energy, solar panels could, if placed on about 0.5% of the country's mainland landmass, provide for all of its current electricity needs.
据美国能源部(america ' sDepartment ofEnergy)的统计,如果太阳能帆板占据那怕仅仅0.5%大陆面积,就已足够供应目前所有的电力需求。
Wind turbines off US coastlines could potentially supply more than enough electricity to meet the country's current electricity demand, the US interior department reported today.
The energy captured by space-basedphotovoltaic arrays would be converted into microwaves for transmissionto Earth, where it would be transformed into direct-current electricity.
Chemical modified electrode (CME) is studied actively in the current electricity chemistry and electricity analyse chemistry research fields, and its application range is very extensive.
The former Macau Electric Company was once housed in a building overlooking this 180-degree right-hander. The building still remains but is now occupied by the current electricity consortium, CEM.
Because the source of the energy stops, the electrical current stops -just as a light bulb turns off when you switch off the electricity running to it.
Because the source of the energy stops, the electrical current stops - just as a light bulb turns off when you switch off the electricity running to it.
Typical smart meter designs include periodic transmission of current, phase, and frequency data from the user to the electricity distribution company.
When no electricity is delivered, a voltage difference between the electrodes drives a current in the other direction.
Though the current in each nantenna is small, an array of them can produce a useful amount of electricity.
When a current flows in such a wire, the electrons that flow as electricity are forced to align their spins to those of the local atoms embedded in the wire.
At Sheep Dog, which is twice the size of our current home, to use solar panels to effectively heat the whole house, we'd probably have to cover an acre or two to get enough electricity.
Researchers have shown that they can put out a fire by zapping it with electricity — pointing an electrical wand at a flame and applying a current.
We're trying to set an example because the country may face a severe electricity shortage if the current pace (of heating consumption) continues.
Creating a magnetic field using electricity is easy: an electric current flowing in a wire generates a magnetic field around that wire.
Or electricity. In the early 1900s, after the standardization to alternating current distribution, hundreds of small electric utilities were consolidated into huge holding companies.
Solar panels generate electricity by converting photons (packets of light energy) into an electric current.
Since carbon nanotubes conduct electricity, sending a current through the paint would help engineers to detect structural weakness through changes in the paint’s electrical properties.
Since carbon nanotubes conduct electricity, sending a current through the paint would help engineers to detect structural weakness through changes in the paint's electrical properties.
The current set of five are rack mounted in a co-location data centre, where I pay a monthly fee for space, electricity and bandwidth.
The software that runs in conjunction even allows the homeowner to turn off circuits remotely and to set power consumption limits based on current solar generation rates or the cost of electricity.
It can send a jolt of as much as eight hundred volts of electricity through the water in which it lives. (an electric house current is only one hundred twenty volts.)
It can send a jolt of as much as eight hundred volts of electricity through the water in which it lives. (an electric house current is only one hundred twenty volts.)