It has the welding current feedback circuit and the welding voltage feedback circuit.
Because the circuit needs current overload protect, a double loop strategy , with current feedback of filter inductance as inner loop and output voltage as outer loop, is studied.
Combined with wide band current feedback amplifier, FET input circuit and programmable circuit, variable gain amplification circuit with high speed and high input impedance is designed.
A circuit of CMOS transresistance amplifier based on current feedback amplifier and its principle are introduced. The circuit is used to implement DVD OPIC.
When the voltage on the feedback resistance over the designed value, the inside protection circuit was operated and the output channels were cut in IR2132 to achieve current protection.
电流在反馈电阻上产生的电压超出设定值时,IR 2132启动内部保护电路,关断输出通道,实现电流保护。
The system is composed of stable current source, light power feedback, protection circuit, and temperature controller.
Further study of Circuit exchange regulator presents, takes the starting current as feedback signal to complete closed-loop control of soft start control of the three-phase induction motor.
The circuit does not require the open-loop feedback portion of the circuit for the current loop to operate; you can omit it for further cost savings.
DC constant current power supply circuit based on current closed-loop feedback control is brought (forward) in this paper and how to design the circuit is also emphatically introduced.
CMOS wide band transresistance circuit based on current feedback op is introduced.
The name "current-feedback amp" carries some mystique, but, generally, the application-circuit configurations for voltage- and current-feedback amps are the same, except for a few key points.
Figure 1 sho ws a circuit that is appropriate for either a current - or a voltage-feedback amp.
If you use a current-feedback amp with the circuit in Figure 1, the amplifier's closed-loop bandwidth depends less on the closed-loop gain and the number of input channels.
If you use a current-feedback amp with the circuit in Figure 1, the amplifier's closed-loop bandwidth depends less on the closed-loop gain and the number of input channels.