Big, block-letter slogans and candidate names replaced the lengthy cursive script seen in the etched prints of the late 1800s, and primary colors replaced their dusty olives and sun-yellows.
Cursive script has more flexibility, for it only maintains the essence of each character and expresses more personal exertion.
In his calligraphy's characteristics, respectively, on his regular script and cursive line classified, and its representative to conduct detailed introduction and description, analysis and features.
Iv. The limitation of monk cursive script makes its influence brevity.
Many simplified characters are adaptations from common usage in Chinese cursive script;
Monk cursive script met the social aesthetic needs of seeking strangeness.
In fact, we can see that every calligrapher of cursive script possesses the solid foundation of traditional techniques when opening the history of Chinese calligraphy.
When the great calligrapher Wang Xizhi made comments on his own works, he said that his works in the cursive script was as good as that of Zhang Zhi.
This paper deals with the similarities and differences between Chinese cursive script and Western abstract painting through comparison and expounds the significance of its abstract character.
The utilitarianism of the cursive script monk made them using cursive script as a tool of obtaining reputation.
Running is a cross between a cursive font with regular script, no regular script between neat, no cursive so as beyond recognition.
During China Middle and late Tang Dynasty a peculiar colony has appeared in calligraphy circles -Cursive script monk.
Book body involved scribe surgery, regular script, running script, cursive, characters, and small print and so on.
For those who are writing very fast they have semi-cursive and cursive script.
However, Wang Xizhi's main contribution is regular script, running hand and slightly cursive script.
The Cursive Script of Wang Duo has significant effect on the Calligraphy Circle home and abroad in the late Ming Dynasty, the early and middle Qing Dynasty as well as the contemporary times.
From oracles to clerical script to cursive writing, same character in its historic evolution changed its shape in various ways, but its rudimental meaning stay relatively unchanged.
From oracles to clerical script to cursive writing, same character in its historic evolution changed its shape in various ways, but its rudimental meaning stay relatively unchanged.