Curved shapes will downplay the angles of this face shape. Frames that are flat along the bottom can look boxy.
The tunnel section is advised to adopt curved shape and full-face excavation by controlled blasting to reduce disturbance on surrounding rock and maintain its self-supporting capability.
隧洞断面宜采用曲线形状; 宜采用控制爆破全断面开挖,减少对围岩的扰动以保持岩体自承能力;
The tunnel section is advised to adopt curved shape and full-face excavation by controlled blasting to reduce disturbance on surrounding rock and maintain its self-supporting capability.
隧洞断面宜采用曲线形状; 宜采用控制爆破全断面开挖,减少对围岩的扰动以保持岩体自承能力;