This error occurs when you attempt to customize menus or toolbars while debugging an application.
You can change the look and feel, customize menus, change the code to give you the information that you feel is more relevant, and hide components.
The application is a small window that lets us customize our mouse menus.
To customize the toolbars and menus of a perspective, right-click the main toolbar at the top and select customize perspective, then click the Commands TAB.
The toolbar contains a subset of the actions available from the pull-down menus, and you can customize it to add, reorganize, or remove toolbar actions to suit your preferences.
The GUI gives Linux a "look and feel" with clickable icons and widgets, as well as screen borders, scroll bars, and menus that the user can manipulate and customize.
You can customize the distance between super menu and the sub menus.
If you want to chase or customize the design of your page, you can do that using the layout and style menus.
If you want to chase or customize the design of your page, you can do that using the layout and style menus.