Maybe you heard that some exaggeration, but I'm not kidding, I do not have any cut and dry.
Not all the glyphs are cut and dry as not useful for a tank, but some of them may seem like a good idea at first while the application may be disappointing.
And a good deal of my life goes into that kind of approach rather than any kind of cut and dry definition of what love is. Is this relevant or have I been carried away?
But Hazara farmers in Behsood say that the Kuchis' own animals are stripping grasses that the locals need to cut and dry to keep their sheep and goats alive during harsh highland winters.
Prices vary from salon to salon, starting at $30 for a cut and blow-dry.
When the inside is dry and breaks easy, like this here piece I've cut off, it's done for.
“Farewell bright sun, ” she cried, stretching out her arm towards it; and then she walked a short distance from the house; for the corn had been cut, and only the dry stubble remained in the fields.
Threatened by a cut in Nile water supply, Egypt sees its leading regional role draining away and its desert farms running dry.
The changes will cut down on passenger fatigue, dry eyes and headaches, Boeing said.
For immediate relief, cut back on the mileage and try some damp heat: hot baths or the steam room. Heating pads and heat rubs may help somewhat, but wet heat seems to work better than dry.
When you're waiting at the starting line, a big trash bag with armholes and a neck hole cut out can help you stay dry.
Cut the beef into thin slices 5cms long then put in a bowl with the light soy sauce, Shaoxing rice wine or dry sherry, sesame oil, salt, pepper and cornflour.
THE summer dry-season, now drawing to an end, is when the Amazon rainforest gets cut and burned.
Using a pencil, trace your stencils and use an x-acto knife to slowly cut out the design. or, we used our rubber stamp collection to stamp on the bags in white, let dry and cut around the stamp.
用铅笔描出你的模板图样,然后用X - ACTO笔刀慢慢地把图样切出或者,可以用橡皮章在袋子上印出白色图样,干燥后再切割。
The cut will heal up in a few days if you keep it clean and dry.
Once they have accumulated enough wood they will kiln dry the wood and then cut it into the desired thickness and width.
That's why farmers cut and store their hay when it's dry.
Cut potatoes halfway through and dab them dry.
Heat will dry out leather and the lifespan of the shoe will be cut in half.
The total scheme of diamond wire saw that can cut off the submarine oil pipeline in dry cabin was established and the main assemblies were designed.
The automatic Cut Sheet Laminator 1600-spc is a high productivity machine which automatically premeasures and precisely laminates dry film within the confines of the panel.
For a simple cut, it is only necessary to wash the area of the cut, dry it and cover it with a piece of dry clean cloth.
In the far northern gulf country and cape york peninsula there are huge empty regions cut by countless dry riverbeds which can become overflowing rivers in the wet season.
As viewed form this, the panel upward horizontal cut-and dry filling method has been tried to use for this orebody mining, with a better results.
As viewed form this, the panel upward horizontal cut-and dry filling method has been tried to use for this orebody mining, with a better results.