At the same time, they increased their cuticular surface hydrocarbons.
In this study, SDS was used to extracted cuticular proteins from the silkworm larvae.
There were relatively thicker cuticular membranes on the upper and the lower epidermises.
On average, only about 5% of the water lost from a plant is via the cuticle cuticular transpiration.
Observations on the lower epidermal characters of leaves show that the cuticular layer is mainly striate thickened.
Cuticular protein and chitin self-assemble into regularly arranged fibrils, which is the fundamental structure of cuticle.
Hydrocarbons were the major lipid class extracted by hexane or chloroform from the cuticular surface of overwintering gall fly larvae.
Each pheromone gland cell has a cuticular pore and an end apparatus, bounded by microvilli, but there is no duct cell, nor real cuticular ductule.
The recovery period is around 2 weeks and will require the stitches/staples to be removed by medical personnel or sub cuticular suturing can be done.
The recent progress in cloning and characterization of plant cuticular wax genes was reviewed and the prospects of the research in wax genes was also discussed.
The collagen albumen in cuticular base film and derma is united in wedlock cheek by jowl , derma presents wave shape to also make skin rises and fall subsequently.
The cuticular microstructures of four angiosperm fossil plants from the Pliocene Mangbang Formation and the Yangyi Formation in Baoshan, Yunnan Province were studied in this paper.
Quantification analysis of wax composition by gc-ms revealed a significant reduction of total cuticular wax in the mutant and increase of total cuticular wax in the over-expression plants.
Sensillum trichodeum and sensillum basiconicum, the main chemical odor receptors on antennae of Helicoverpa armigera, consist of cuticular wall, sheath cells, sensillum lymph and dendrites.
These results indicate that cuticular wax content in flag leaf is closely related to drought tolerance and can be used as a physiological indicator of drought resistance in wheat selection.
Cuticular layer of the skin cells with new color 1-2 years later will gradually disappear, this is different from in the depth of the skin dermis in the operation of the new concept of beauty.
表皮层的肌肤细胞跟着推陈出新1 - 2年后色彩就会逐步不见,这便是不同于在肌肤真皮层深处进行施术的纹身的新概念美容技能。
Cuticular layer of the skin cells with new color 1-2 years later will gradually disappear, this is different from in the depth of the skin dermis in the operation of the new concept of beauty.
表皮层的肌肤细胞跟着推陈出新1 - 2年后色彩就会逐步不见,这便是不同于在肌肤真皮层深处进行施术的纹身的新概念美容技能。