Special blades with sharper cutting angle.
The top thread trimmer could follow the user's requested to adjust any precise cutting Angle.
The objective was to examine the effect of sample thickness and cutting angle on the shear stre…
Simple cutting Angle and the hole, the light distribution, there are many scientific and technological sense.
In the paper sliding-cutting Angle and cutting Angle were calculated, other major cutting parameters were given.
This machine is mainly used for cutting angle process of angle steel, in the iron tower of the power transmissions and communications.
Excellent cutting angle, primary colors, flavors of food can be maintained when using ceramic knives, because they do not have any reaction with food.
Amazingly, this works for any piece size, even if the cutting Angle is an irrational number: all the icing will be back on top after a finite number of steps.
The concept and definition of the sliding cutting Angle of the working parts in agricultural machinery are described variously and even incorrectly at present.
After optimization, the cutting Angle and the difference between the instantaneous velocity and the average velocity in the cutting area of the shear are decreased.
The influence of air cutting angle and air cutting time to chip breakage is studied quantitatively. The correctness of air cutting theory is verified by the experiments.
Tests are conducted to find the rules how such cutting parameters as cutting depth, cutting speed and feedrate per blade as well as the cutting angle affect on the life of face mill.
前言: 通过试验,找出了切削深度、切削速度、每齿进给量等切削用量及切出角影响面铣刀寿命的规律。
Tests are conducted to find the rules how such cutting parameters as cutting depth, cutting speed and feedrate per blade as well as the cutting angle affect on the life of face mill.
In the geometry modeling of ball end mill cutter, consideration of cusp effect of ball milling, accurate cutting Angle range corresponding to different axial cutting depth are deduced.
The technologies include the ruling methods, the adjusting of the cutting angle, the selecting for the knife tip angle of the diamond cutter and the choosing of the materials being ruled.
Cutting the cone at various angles gives you various shapes of ellipse. Until the angle of your cut exceeds the angle of the side of the cone.
Cutting thecone at various angles gives you various shapes of ellipse. Until theangle of your cut exceeds the angle of the side of the cone.
In one of her favourite ACTS she bends herself backwards at a perfect 90 degree Angle - virtually cutting herself in half so the back of her hands touch her heels.
Continue to cut the hair upwards cutting at an Angle when fade lines are reached.
The knife blade Angle is small, when cutting labor.
With the increase of cutting depth, under the impact of abrasive particles with a large Angle, an oblique stripe deformation of the grinding zone are formed.
Angle cutter machine for cutting paper at an Angle to the machine direction of the paper.
Shear Angle research is one of the basic problems in metal cutting theory.
The results show that the effects on surface roughness are feed speed, depth of cutting , tool rake angle and parts hardness in turn.
Electric welding machine, butt-type hot-melt machine, angle grinder, welding machine, cutting machine, horizontal ruler.
The experiment results show that the diameter of seedling, speed of rotation and angle of slide cutting respectively influence the cutting resistance in sequence.
Good toughness and wear resistance, suitable for low speed cutting allowing a big rake Angle, ensuring the sharpness of the edges, bearing a heavy cutting force and achieving good surface finish.
Good toughness and wear resistance, suitable for low speed cutting allowing a big rake Angle, ensuring the sharpness of the edges, bearing a heavy cutting force and achieving good surface finish.