Based on the strength criterion of the incremental plastic collapse, the inelastic deformation behavior of a ship's hull girder under cyclic bending loads was discussed in detail in this paper.
Analyzing the micro plastic deformation of metal material under static load and cyclic stress, the scientific basis for choice dynamical stress of VSR is provide.
Strength and deformation were studied on plastic concrete in different loading ways through direct and cyclic loading and unloading testing.
The (aeolotropism) and Bauschinger effect resulted from plastic deformation under cyclic loading were reflected by the kinematic hardening model in the SFEM.
Moreover, the irreversible plastic deformation of rock increased, and at the same time, the fracture deformation of rock gradually increased, which was produced by cyclic load.
Both shot peening and contact rolling belong to the cyclic elastic-plastic deformation process under the action of Hertz stress.
Both shot peening and contact rolling belong to the cyclic elastic-plastic deformation process under the action of Hertz stress.