The results show that the matrix in the microstructure occurs dynamic recovery and recrystallization and the materials generate cyclic softening during thermal cycling.
At lower annealing temperature obtain high strength and high yield ratio showed cyclic softening feature easily. That is detrimental to the using life of coiled tubing.
Then, a logic computational diagram is constructed for calculating diametral growth by assuming fatigue cyclic softening, namely yield strength reduction as tubing fatigues.
Its cyclic properties first show cyclic softening, after stabilizing, then cyclic hardening. The state of cyclic softening and cyclic hardening will vary along with strain level.
Based on the results of cyclic softening and cyclic creeping tests at room temperature, the resilient relaxation tendency of the most commonly used spring steels were discussed in the paper.
The results showed that the characteristics of cyclic hardening or softening depend to the strain loading paths and the loading parameters.
The mechanism of induced anisotropy, dilatancy, shear softening and cyclic mobility was discussed from the viewpoint of micro-mechanism.
The mechanism of induced anisotropy, dilatancy, shear softening and cyclic mobility was discussed from the viewpoint of micro-mechanism.