Thoracotomy, cytological examination of sputum, transbronchoscopic lung biopsy and bronchoalveolar lavage were employed in the histopathologic diagnosis of BAC.
Malignant hydrothorax was confirmed by pathological examinations, including tissue biopsy, pleural biopsy, and cytological examination of exfoliated cells in hydrothorax.
The positive rate of telomerase activity detected in the carcinoma group (90%) was significantly higher than that of cytological examination (66.7%) and blood CEA (56.7%).
端粒酶在胃癌组的阳性率为90 %,明显高于胃刷落细胞涂片的阳性率(6 6 . 7%)与血cea的阳性率(5 6 . 7%)。
Positive rate of telomerase activity detected in carcinoma of the stomach group (90%) was significantly higher than that of cytological examination (66.7%), blood CEA (56.7%).
端粒酶在胃癌组的阳性率为90 %,明显高于胃刷落细胞涂片的阳性率(6 6 . 7%)、血cea的阳性率(5 6 . 7%)。
CSF cytological examination plays an important role in the early diagnosis and monitoring of the tuberculous meningitis and helps to decide the immunity of the central nervous system as well.
CSF cytological examination plays an important role in the early diagnosis and monitoring of the tuberculous meningitis and helps to decide the immunity of the central nervous system as well.