FROM Leonardo da Vinci to the Wright brothers and among today's aircraft designers, there is a fascination in studying the wings of birds, better to understand the mysteries of flight.
"Since the concept of our helicopter came from Italy, I always wanted to take a flight in the birthplace of da Vinci," Yanagisawa said.
Leonardo Da Vinci was an Italian polymath who was probably the first European to seek a practical solution to flight.
The world's smallest one-man helicopter will soon take flight in the birthplace of Leonardo da Vinci, who is credited with having first thought of a vertical-flight machine, its developer said.
据研发者介绍,世界上最小的单人直升飞机不久将在达·芬奇的出生地试飞。 达·芬奇被认为是提出直升飞行器想法的第一人。
The world's smallest one-man helicopter will soon take flight in the birthplace of Leonardo da Vinci, who is credited with having first thought of a vertical-flight machine, its developer said.
据研发者介绍,世界上最小的单人直升飞机不久将在达·芬奇的出生地试飞。 达·芬奇被认为是提出直升飞行器想法的第一人。