Marks this thread as either a daemon thread or a user thread.
All threads in a component-scoped thread pool are asynchronous bean daemon threads and have the same lifecycle of the application that created it.
When using custom component-scoped thread pools (Figure 3), each worker thread in the pool is initialized with a daemon thread created by the WorkManager.
Note that Timer creates a non-daemon thread to fire the tasks in the background, however, so in Listing 10 I have to kill the VM via a call to System.exit().
请注意Timer却创建了一个非守护线程在后台启动任务,因此在清单10 中我需要调用 System.exit() 来取消任务。
In a long-running program, the Timer is probably best created as a daemon thread (using the constructors that take a Boolean parameter to indicate daemon status), so it won't keep the VM alive.
The PresentationReconciler class updates the text's appearance with every keystroke, and the Reconciler class runs in a daemon thread, parsing the document without holding up the user interface (UI).
If the application ends, the release method of each daemon Work thread in the pool will be called.
Then, when the client thread tries to process data within the NFS mounted file system, the data is redirected to biod, which takes the data through the LAN to the NFS server and its NFSD daemon.
然后当客户端线程试图处理nfs挂载文件系统内的数据,数据被重定向到biod, biod通过LAN将数据带到nfs服务器及其nfsd守护进程。
Then, when the client thread tries to process data within the NFS mounted file system, the data is redirected to biod, which takes the data through the LAN to the NFS Server and its NFSD daemon.
Changes the daemon status of this thread group.
Changes the daemon status of this thread group.