This paper studies the nonlinear motion law of a simple pendulum with damping factor.
Causes the surface area to enlarge has the shock absorber damping factor enhancement.
Amongst the highest damping factor in the industry, and full control of the loudspeakers.
Because the DM-10 and B-100 use no global negative feedback, the damping factor is very modest.
由于糖尿病- 10和B- 100使用没有全球性的负反馈,阻尼因素是非常温和的。
But doesn't this dilute the meaning, and so the actual usefulness, of the damping factor rating?
The values of the dynamic shear modulus and the damping factor are close to those of sandy soil.
Perhaps the main difference for the "feel" is the increased damping factor produced by the negative feedback loop.
It is found that the stiffness and damping factor of coatings greatly influence the wave propagation and power flow.
Damping factor alignment is a key and difficult problem to the signal processing in magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
The storage modulus and damping factor of composites were also characterized through dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA).
The damping factor of the most unstable mode shape of mistuned blade system is chosen as the cost function of optimization.
It is important if you use the dampers with high damping factor or if the dampers work in the resonant region of the system.
This method aligns frequency at first, then extends CPCA to the correction of damping factor shifts in a single resonant peak across spectra.
The stabilizer effect of passive anti-rolling tank mostly depends on how to choose arrangement of vertical position, water level and damping factor.
We can also see that because damping factor is a ratio that requires the load impedance to compute it must be stated against some known impedance to be meaningful.
We can also see that because damping factor is a ratio that requires the load impedance to compute, it must be stated against some known impedance to be meaningful.
The inverse process is equivalent to solve a nonlinear least square problem and a new way to choose damping factor is presented in utilizing the damping least square method.
The calculation results show that the simple intensity-dependent damping factor of pure dephasing can well describe the decoherence properties of complex multi-level system.
Simulation results reveal that equivalent rotational inertia, damping factor, fluctuating loading pressure and loading torque has comparatively large influence on control properties.
It is found that the input energy and momentary input energy spectra with a damping factor of 5% can be estimated from the pseudo-velocity spectra with damping factors of 0.5% and 10%.
However, few people actually understand precisely what the term means, what the consequences of a particular damping factor rating might be for the ultimate desired result sound reproduction!
The experimental study of added mass factor and viscous damping factor for cantilever tube confined in water by concentric tube was conducted in order to verify the result of theoretical analysis.
Dimensionless dry friction damping factor is defined to measure the effect of dry friction damping, Finally, according to designed method, a vibration experiment of shrouded blades is carried out.
A new scheme of adaptive fuzzy damping controller of TCSC, based onadjusting control rules and output scaling factor, is proposed.
It is indicated that the low damping mode can augment the norm of the coprime factor perturbation and as a result the domain of the actual admissible perturbation is reduced.
The amplitude frequency characteristic curve and loss factor of laminated damping steel sheet have been calculated and measured with the sine scanning excited method.
The modal loss factor of an orthogrid-stiffened composite panel is studied using the present method and particular attention is paid to the effect of ribs on damping.
This paper analyzes the natural frequency and modal loss factor of stiffened plates with viscoelastic damping treatment by finite element method.
PAN L J, ZHANG B M, DAI F H. Loss factor of viscoelastic damping composite material under harmonic excitation [J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2008, 27(2): 57-60.
[16]潘利剑,张博明,戴福洪。 简谐激励下共固化复合材料黏弹阻尼结构的损耗因子研究[J]。振动与冲击,2008,27(2): 57-60。
PAN L J, ZHANG B M, DAI F H. Loss factor of viscoelastic damping composite material under harmonic excitation [J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2008, 27(2): 57-60.
[16]潘利剑,张博明,戴福洪。 简谐激励下共固化复合材料黏弹阻尼结构的损耗因子研究[J]。振动与冲击,2008,27(2): 57-60。