I saw a dark brown fertile field in which a plough was cutting large furrows.
As soon as it was dark, he took his kite and lantern, and went to a large field about a mile from his home.
A few circles, they say, display a phenomenal level of complexity and would be difficult to draw on paper, let alone in a field after dark.
Then she noticed there's a headlamp out in the climb field and I had turned off all the lights and I'm in the climbing gym, climbing in the dark, inside.
In silhouette against a crowded star field toward the constellation Scorpius, this dusty cosmic cloud evokes for some the image of an ominous dark tower.
The field is white and the wooded edges dark with evergreen.
Blame for the incident fell on the ship's deceased captain, E. J. Smith, who was condemned for racing at 22 knots through a known ice field in the dark waters off the coast of Newfoundland.
They are transient tangles in the sun’s magnetic field that are slightly cooler than their surroundings and so appear as dark patches in the photosphere—the surface layer of the sun.
Experts believe the collision should produce a dark debris field in Jupiter's clouds-similar to the previous impact site-which may become visible over the next few days.
They are transient tangles in the sun's magnetic field that are slightly cooler than their surroundings and so appear as dark patches in the photosphere—the surface layer of the sun.
In so doing, one has a complete and whole field that is less subject to manipulations from others or the forces of the dark.
In the pristine white of the field hospital, the miners' dark journey seems a lifetime ago. And fresh, like it still is.
There is a basophil in the center of the field which has a lobed nucleus (like PMN's) and numerous coarse, dark blue granules in the cytoplasm.
Is the magnetosphere simulator reflecting this slight field from the Dark Twin, which is as large as the Earth?
Although it was very dark, he still went on working in the field.
For astrometric purposes, dark frame and flat field calibration is recommended.
Thousands of men lay dead and dying on the sloping field below the wall, and by dark the ones who could move had heaped up corpses to make shelter.
Tou Mali and his Home Returning Corps visited Toumachuang two or three times a week in the daytime. The Field Mouse generally came after dark.
On a dark summer night, a couple finds a dead body in a field.
Besides, outstanding and consummate field experience and dark room technology are linkages to inject time factors into the works.
In this paper, the reason of several kinds of changes in bright and dark is analysed rationally on three share vision field in the polariscope with polarized light theory.
Based on the spatial spectral distribution, a new method to form images with dark-field ib proposed for applications in Confocal scanning Laser microscopy system.
Three experimental techniques were used: the simple optical probing, the dark field imaging and the visualization of inverse phase velocity surfaces.
A new algorithm of nondestructive, automatic and high-speed inspection is proposed for dark-field image to be used to inspect online optic component damage on high power laser system.
They kept on working in the field after dark.
Multiple dark field image can readily be used in revealing the relation between diffraction pattern and bright-and dark-field images.
Multiple dark field image can readily be used in revealing the relation between diffraction pattern and bright-and dark-field images.