Does Darwinian selection take place at the level only of individuals, or of groups as well?
And that controversy leads to another one. Does Darwinian selection take place at the level only of individuals, or of groups as well?
Using phrases like "Darwinian selection" or "Darwinian evolution" implies there must be another kind of evolution at work, a process that can be described with another adjective.
Genetic algorithms mimic Darwinian natural selection, where "fitness" selects individuals for survival, breeding, and, hence, adaptive mutation.
It mimics Darwinian natural selection, making "fitness" (as determined by a formula applied to an individual) the chief selector of individuals for survival and procreation, together with mutation.
We can do it because our brains (admittedly given to us by natural selection for reasons of short-term Darwinian gain) are big enough to see into the future and plot long-term consequences.
And it might occur to some of you that this seems to be an analogy with the Darwinian theory of natural selection where there's a random assortment of random mutations.
That is, if they exist through Darwinian natural selection,? To what extent can we ever get rid of them?
It's Darwinian, the law of natural selection.
Darwinian natural selection rests on the premise that sometimes a small change in a single gene can prove beneficial if it allows organisms to fare better in their environment.
Darwinian natural selection rests on the premise that sometimes a small change in a single gene can prove beneficial if it allows organisms to fare better in their environment.