In order for parametric models to have any validity they must be based on or proven using actual project data.
Although data protection provides the ability to regenerate data on a failure, it says nothing about the validity of the data in the first place.
This reduces the total programming effort by reducing the amount of effort spent in writing database control logic, while ensuring the consistency and validity of the data.
Geology, in general, and petroleum geology, in particular, still rely on value judgements based on experience and an assessment of validity among the data presented.
Validity is much more rigorous; it allows you to insist that certain data be present and be structured in a certain way.
The specific data in one transmission will vary with time, but the validity rules have been specified in advance.
The validity of data in the form is not checked until the form is submitted.
A test for cache data validity is an additional method you might need when dealing with a caching system.
This table USES referential integrity constraints to ensure data validity.
Somewhat obviously, they can be used to check the validity of a block of data such as a journal transaction.
The auditor rechecks the validity of data, making sure mistakes were not made.
You can deal with this during the initial processing or later, when reporting data, because the OFX date format doesn't affect the validity of the XML.
可以在初始处理或在之后报告数据时解决这个问题,因为OF X日期格式并不影响XML的有效性。
Therefore, manually putting the passed in values back into a DataRow helps ensure the validity of the data being passed to the BLL method.
The validity of the data you collect can be uncertain.
Considering the primary USES of components within application structures leads to more appropriate placement of data validity checking — for example, only at managed trust boundaries.
This was used to indicate the validity of the claim data.
You have an address cleansing service that checks the validity of addresses, but requires an address to be given as a comma delimited value; that is, there is an AddressCSV data type in the library.
Validity check (Default: basic validity check) : the validity check verifies that the data model follows the semantic rules for the model format.
validitycheck(默认值:basic validity check):有效性检查,验证数据模型是否遵从模型格式的语义规则。
Typically, though, a mission-critical application does not rely on public data sources because of concerns about availability and data validity.
For instance, if the validity of entered data depends on previously entered data that is based on specific business rules, that may be too much logic for the client side to handle.
However, including only these variables might not be sufficient due to information validity and simplification problems associated with large administrative data sets.
The processing results of real radar data prove its validity.
Through to the analysis of the simulation test in the lab and the test data in the field, the authors discussed TDR monitoring landslide practical application effect and validity.
Where a financial institution has any doubt about the authenticity, validity or completeness of a client's identification data obtained earlier, it shall have the client's identity distinguished anew.
The validity of the data collection instrument on the other hand is a reference to the whether the questionnaire is able to measure what it claims to measure.
By default, both Apache and IIS embed data in the ETag that dramatically reduces the odds of the validity test succeeding on web sites with multiple servers.
The quality evaluation included the validity of data, strictness and continuity of the logistic demonstration.
The quality evaluation included the validity of data, strictness and continuity of the logistic demonstration.