Based on the classifying of the protected documents, a DR-RBAC model is defined, and its data-flow diagram and two examples of PolicySets expressed by XACML are given out.
For traditional modeling techniques, such as entity relationship diagram or data flow diagram, no specific test techniques are available to date.
Her blob diagram conveyed the complexity of data flow, and she bemoaned the fact that library data was largely walled off from publisher data by incompatible formats and cataloging practice.
Diagram the flow of data to be aware how data is consumed and by who, so that you can evaluate the risks involved and determine how to deal with them.
Adds a seizable entity to your data flow diagram.
From the event-flow diagram in Figure 1, you see that the data Capture environment is intended to run in a distributed model near the event data sources.
The paper presents a method and implementation of a case-based module division to software data flow diagram.
Is there a current cardholder data process flow diagram?
Adds a data process to your data flow diagram. Use center-style connectors between processes.
A data flow diagram (DFD) diagrams the processes that change data into information.
Based on the analysis of business needs, functional requirements, data demands and performance requirements this paper presents data flow diagram of the system.
The general module of the office information system, the data flow diagram and the database concept mode are also introduced.
This paper presents a memory model of the data flow diagram, and gives some operating algorithm of the data flow diagram.
Meanwhile, the flow diagram of data sampling and processing program software is provided.
Adds a data process to your data flow diagram.
In order to resolve the service description problem of service composition, a service description method including mainly a (input-output) interface model and a data flow diagram model is put forward.
Traditional system demand analyzing methods, which include the data flow diagram and others, aren't suitable to the system based on the workflow such as OA system.
Adds a resizable entity to your data flow diagram.
This paper described the realization of multi-route data synchronous collection system based on MCU P89LPC932, and presented the system frame diagram and software flow chart.
Analyzed the factors and difficulties in train operation adjustment system, drew work flow diagram and data flow diagram of train operation adjustment.
Through analyse system's blocking function, use case diagram and data flow, we bring forward a B/S triple layers system which is based on ASP.
Data Flow diagram. A formalized diagram that shows how data moves through a program.
An automatic program slicing method is proposed which applies the data flow equation algorithm to the abstract implementation structure diagram for PASCAL.
Adds a data process to your data flow diagram. Use center-style connectors between processes.
The data flow diagram describes the logical system.
The structure of the information systems was described with objects-related diagram. As for the discussion on all the object processes, the revised data flow diagram was also involved.
It has used the data flow diagram and the diagram of the system function structure in the analysis of the data.
In the system design take full advantage of business process diagrams, data flow diagram, UML class diagrams, thus completing a detailed structured the overall structure and design.
在系统设计中充分利用业务流程图、数据流程图、U ML类图,从而完成了详细规整的整体架构和设计。
Firstly, through using the UML to build the use-case diagram of each model to analyse the system, it designs the data flow and the databases for the buying-stock-selling system.
Firstly, through using the UML to build the use-case diagram of each model to analyse the system, it designs the data flow and the databases for the buying-stock-selling system.