Contains flowchart symbols for information flow diagrams, database diagrams, process planning diagrams, data process flowcharts, business process flowcharts, and information tracking.
The composition of the simulation system, data processing flowchart and simulation mode that included the missile dynamics, sensitive element and variable structure controller were given.
The data flowchart and system functional diagram are presented.
In this paper, system primary structure, subsystem design, system data flowchart, network structure and the Alternative Covering design Algorithm to predict the price of coal are discussed in detail.
Flowchart a graphical representation of the flow of information in which symbols are used to represent operations, data, reports generated, equipment, etc.
The authors also present the necessary data structure and process flowchart.
Draw a flowchart to arrange the given data in an ascending order.
This paper introduces digital reference service and data mining, and expounds the design flowchart of digital reference service system based on data mining and the design of database structure.
This article discuss the performance of voice synthesis MSP50C32N and process of making voice data, Its design circuit and software flowchart used in application example are given here.
论述了语音合成器MSP5 0C32N的性能,以及语音数据的制作过程,结合应用实例,给出了它的设计电路及软件流程。
Paper introduces the designations of system circuitry, functions, images acquisition circuits and data preprocessing algorithm and processing flowchart in details.
It is useful to test the validity of the flowchart by passing through it with a simple test data.
Combining with the experimental data in factory, the flowchart of indirect temperature measurement algorithm for the rotor is given.
This paper introduces the ALGOL-60 program for pre-processing of dam observation data and its application, a flowchart and a demonstrating example of calculation is given.
本文着重介绍了包括对大坝观测资料进行预处理的ALGOL - 60电算程序及其使用,并给出了算例和程序框图,可供具体计算时参考。
This paper introduces the ALGOL-60 program for pre-processing of dam observation data and its application, a flowchart and a demonstrating example of calculation is given.
本文着重介绍了包括对大坝观测资料进行预处理的ALGOL - 60电算程序及其使用,并给出了算例和程序框图,可供具体计算时参考。