While query CP parallelism used multi-tasking for a query within a DB2 subsystem, this method enables all the members of a DB2 data-sharing group to process a single query.
CP并行可以在db2子系统中为一条查询使用多个任务,而sysplex查询并行这种方法使一个DB 2数据共享组中的所有成员可以一起处理一个查询。
Scaling DB2 servers involves just adding one or more members to existing data sharing group.
扩展DB 2服务器涉及将一个或多个成员添加到现有数据共享组中。
CP parallelism (multiple tasks on multiple CPs) was implemented in DB2 V4. Sysplex query parallelism (multiple tasks on multiple members of a DB2 data sharing group) was introduced in DB2 UDB V5.
Sysplex查询并行(一个DB 2数据共享组中的多用户和多任务)是在DB 2UDBv5中引入的。
If one DB2 subsystem goes down, or brought off-line for maintenance, other DB2 subsystems in the data sharing group take on the workload of the data sharing member that is now offline.
如果某一个db2子系统停机,或者出于维护的目的暂时离线,那么数据共享组中的其他DB 2子系统就会接管目前离线的数据共享成员的工作负载。
If one DB2 subsystem goes down, or brought off-line for maintenance, other DB2 subsystems in the data sharing group take on the workload of the data sharing member that is now offline.
如果某一个db2子系统停机,或者出于维护的目的暂时离线,那么数据共享组中的其他DB 2子系统就会接管目前离线的数据共享成员的工作负载。