PC and DSP exchange data using high speed static RAM and bus arbitration circuit and corresponding handshake signal is designed to ensure the correct reading and writing RAM.
The other module is PCI bus interface circuit. PI7C8150B chip of PERICOM Corporation is used to finish transmission of the image data.
For the purpose of data communication, the paper lodges the CAN interface circuit, and expatiates the programs of bus initialization, bus interrupt service routing, receiving and sending bus data.
A protective circuit of the control system normally monitors data inputs from a data bus 148 that may indicate conditions that are not favorable for clutch brake actuation.
It is proved by practical application that DSP control circuit based on PCI bus can not only increase the speed of data communication, but also the reliability of the system.
The application of CAN-bus on the data acquisition of commercial vehicle is narrated and the data acquisition circuit of engine, suspension system and body system are designed.
The application of ARINC429 serial data bus in flight test system and design of the interface circuit are described .
介绍了ARINC4 2 9串行总线在试飞测试系统中的应用及其接口电路设计。
The low frequency band data pass unit comprises a plurality of stubs which are connected to the data bus in parallel and are formed as printed circuit board (PCB) patterns.
低频段数据通过单元可包括多个短线,该短线与数据总线连接且被形成为印刷电路板 (PCB)图案,短线相互平行;
The low frequency band data pass unit comprises a plurality of stubs which are connected to the data bus in parallel and are formed as printed circuit board (PCB) patterns.
低频段数据通过单元可包括多个短线,该短线与数据总线连接且被形成为印刷电路板 (PCB)图案,短线相互平行;