Data source statement cache size specifies the number of prepared JDBC statements that can be cached per connection.
Due to low memory conditions or administrative modification of the cache size via the admin console, the cache might (temporarily) be configured such that it never caches data at all.
The data source statement cache size can be tuned using a few different methods.
The hit ratio is a function of the cache size, the amount of underlying data, and the data access pattern.
Although recently used steps data is cached in memory, the cache has a limited size and, in many cases, the required information will need to be retrieved from the database.
8K stripe size RA-WT (write ahead/write-through) cache (C: for OS; D: for Utils; E: for Scanmail quarantine; F: for Domino files and data)
8Kstripesize RA-WT (writeahead/write-through)缓存(C:用于OS;D:用于实用程序;E:用于Scanmail 隔离;F:用于Domino文件和数据)
Looking back at the chart in Figure 11, before tuning the data source statement cache size, the number of statements discarded was over 1.7 million.
The statement cache size can be configured by navigating to Resources => JDBC => Data sources => data_source => WebSphere Application Server data source properties.
要配置语句缓存大小,可以导航到Resources =>JDBC =>Datasources => data_source =>WebSphereApplicationServerdatasourceproperties。
However, since it does not take account of the data update rate and data size, cache invalidation often takes place.
There are some limits to the total amount of data you can add to the data cache in a document, and to the size of any individual object in the data cache.
The pattern of data using in an application is variable. When the quantity of data updating is large, cache with fixed size will lead to the sharp decrement of application performance.
The pattern of data using in an application is variable. When the quantity of data updating is large, cache with fixed size will lead to the sharp decrement of application performance.