It retrieves application item data from the widget and opens a pop-up window to display the detailed data if the data has been loaded.
When you click on a bar in any of the data structure bar charts, the right side of the window will update to display an initial summary of the contents of the selected structure.
The core widget used to display the view data is a TreeView widget, which is embedded in a window object.
The display of the Person document data is done using labels on a window.
The virtual panel and display window of the digital voice signal spectrometer is built up by using the flexible data processing function and powerful programmability of PC.
To create an array, drag a data object into the element display window.
Data Sources window, expand the desired table or object to display its columns or properties.
Then I need to display this data in a main window like a graph.
Data sources window can display data sources that are created from databases, services, or objects.
The element display window resizes to accommodate its new data type, as shown in Figure 7.2, but remains grayed out until you enter data into it.
You can customize the Memory window to display data in various formats, including hexadecimal or decimal display.
You can customize the Memory window to display data in various formats, including hexadecimal or decimal display.