First, on input it reads the entire XML file into memory, so if the file is too big, or if you're dealing with a stream of XML data, you can't use the module.
Video decode module used the method of identification the digital video data stream to acquire the image data and then stored them in the frame memory.
The control system is designed by module, which includes CPU core module, memory modules, debugging interface modules, data transmission module, human interface module, and electrical control module.
The data acquisition system adopted TMS320LF2407A chip of ti as main controller, in addition, designed peripheral signal processing circuit, memory module, communication module and so on.
该数据采集系统采用TI公司的TMS320 LF 2407 A芯片为主控制器,另外设计了相应的外围信号调理电路、存储模块、通信模块等。
Organizes profiling data by module, and lists the functions, memory allocation data, and detailed timing information for the module.
According to different products, driving point location and screw quantity can be set up at will. The machine is furnished with high-capacity memory module to store the data for different products.
The data memory can be clipped to the rack expediently in shortcut. Moreover, the rack and data memory can be combined to a module so as to pick up or load the module conveniently by single hand.
此种方式可方便快捷地将该数据存储器卡入该容置架,且该容置架与该数据存储器组合成一模组,可被单手单 独从该固定架中提出和装入。
NET memory allocation data by module, and lists the functions, source code lines, and instructions that were executing when memory was allocated.
Store data using flash memory, the system can monitor the module to modify and control the operation of micro-procedures.
Store data using flash memory, the system can monitor the module to modify and control the operation of micro-procedures.