Entity objects represent the data model.
Each entity in the logical data model is assigned a primary key.
The ARTS XML Dictionary is a list of names initially derived from entity and attribute names of the logical view of the ARTS Data Model.
ARTSXML字典是一张名称列表,这些名称最初来源于 ARTS数据模型的逻辑视图的实体和属性名称。
A monitor model is an XML document that describes how to gather business data from incoming events, group them around the same entity and provide a context.
Figure 7 presents the persistence model when each concrete class is mapped to a data entity.
Relationships between entities in the logical data model are represented through foreign keys that are associated to the primary keys of the referring entity.
Figure 6 presents the updated persistence model for mapping the entire class hierarchy into one data entity.
In the ARTS Data Model, the entity name is often used as a prefix for attribute names.
Creating and Consuming an Entity Data model.
Entity Classes: Data model managed and used by business services.
Data blocks Pages Smallest storage entity in the storage model.
Refers to data stores that provide information about entity members defined in the hub model.
Using Hibernate to select the behavior of an entity in the model is good, but often you also need different sets of data for different entities.
The development team that handles the model may be expert at writing DB2 COBOL programs, or EJB entity beans, or some other technology appropriate for storing and manipulating enterprise data.
处理模型的开发小组可以是开发DB 2COBOL程序、EJB实体bean或适用于存储和操纵企业数据的其他技术的专家。
You can generate Entity data Model (EDM) schemas, and you can write and execute EntitySQL and LINQ statements to Entities applications with the supported IBM data server versions.
您可以生成实体数据模型(Entity Data Model,EDM)架构,可以使用支持的IBM数据服务器版本向实体应用程序编写和执行entitysql和LINQ语句。
When transforming a logical data model to a physical data model using IDA, entity and attribute names are transformed to table and column names according to the following rules.
Visual Studio 2010 has to ability to generate a DDL and create a database to store the entity data model.
VisualStudio 2010可以生成ddl并创建数据库来存储实体数据模型。
Use the Entity Data Model wizard to generate an Entity Data Model (EDM) from IBM data servers.
使用Entity Data Model向导从IBM数据服务器生成一个实体数据模型。
First, we define a data model using entity definitions.
If, however, the majority of your data fits better in a highly structured entity-relationship model and is less document-like and more intertwined, then choosing an NXD might not help your situation.
Properties pane: This pane shows the properties of the object that is open and active (in other words, a data model, or an entity inside a logical data model).
Normalization decisions are finalized in the logical data model resulting in the final normalized representation of entity-to-entity relationships as well as supertype-to-subtype hierarchies.
In most MDA situations, the model-to-model mappings are complex and require careful design and implementation.Figure 1: mapping a simple entity to object and data design models.
The final ERD (entity relationship model diagram) and system datum dictionary are given through data sheets normalization during logic design and physical design.
The realization principle of red and black mechanism is expounded with respect to the data model, data entity, graph version, network topology and application realization.
The object-oriented model includes many of the concepts of the entity-relationship model, but represents executable code as well as data.
物件定向的模型含实质- 联系的模型许多观念,但是表现可运行的码和数据。
This paper introduces the GIS space point? Line? Surface entity model based on topology data and the automatic topology model which is based on the objects model.
NET Entity Data Model so that I can use Stored Procedures as reverse engineer code first didn't provide the use of sprocs.
In this paper, we give a temporal er - method - based data model, that is the temporal Entity Relationship model (TER).
本文给出了一个基于E- R方法的时态数据模型,即时态实体-关系(TER)模型。
A geo-spatial entity which can be organized from geometric data, symbol data, entity data, attribute data is regarded as an object to the object oriented geographical information model.