Newly released data point to an increase in technology use among children which some worry is changing the very nature of children.
Control the Legend and Data Point display.
On the consumer side of the market, the data point toward the same trend.
An enumerated list is a set of specified values for a particular data point.
When null, the data point takes up no space just as if the column didn’t exist.
Gnuplot lets you specify a character string to mean a missing data point. For example.
One data point just came out today illustrating the shift to freelance and online work.
Each data point or cell of a cube is the Cartesian product of members of its dimensions.
As each new data point is observed and received by the client, the point will be plotted.
Instead write the feedback down somewhere as one single data point to consider amongst others.
By Mr Gordon's calculations, much of the data point to June 2009 as the likely recession end-date.
Unfortunately, the way a data point with missing data is handled depends on the using specification.
As seen in the results below, the single-guest configuration provided the best performance results at each data point.
Some metrics are scalar objects describing a single data point, such as the current firmware version on the appliance.
As each event (a statistical data point) is observed, it is transformed into a TPTP statistical model event on-the-fly.
Specifically, a single point anomaly will be marked by a sudden fluctuation in temperature on each side of a data point.
The price decline was driven by energy declines, and is just one month’s data point, but even so, the figure is worrisome.
Each card has not only a date but the latitude and longitude, salinity measures, temperatures and depth of each data point.
Taking the unknown data point, the distance between the unknown data point and every known data point needs to be computed.
Then, whenever we have a new data point, with an unknown output value, we put it through the model and produce our expected output.
Depending on how the researchers calibrated their clock, the data point to an origin of domesticated rice around 8, 200 years ago.
This data point allows the separation of basic effects caused by large Windows from those caused by handling malicious SACK options.
Please remember that these Numbers are simply one data point, obtained for a given transaction mix in a very modest environment.
The only data point offered is one I've seen time and time again- the number of therapists who sign up to offer this kind of service.
Rather than anchoring our projected values to the first data point of 100%, what happens if we anchor against a later point in the plot?
Other data point in a similar direction: rich economies spend more than ever on research, but the number of new patents has plateaued.
In the case that the network or remote data point is unavailable, a developer might choose to use local file access to present alternative data.
With this new code under our belts, it's time to remeasure the data point that used the custom delay-inducing client with SACK options turned on.
Each test was run with 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, and 4,000 simulated users, and performance information was collected at each data point. See figure 7.
This trick is called weighted averaging, and it protects you from making significant changes based on one data point that may or may not be unusual.
这个方法就是加权平均 ,它可以保护你避免做出重大改变,这些改变是基于一个数据点,这个数据点可能是不平常的也可能是平常的。