This article is about the research on the data processing problem of measuring the radial jumped error of discontinuous gyration surface.
Google, by contrast, saw it as a big maths problem that could be solved with a lot of data and processing power-and came up with something very useful.
To solve that problem, OODT provides transparent access to distributed resources, functionality for data discovery and query optimization, as well as distributed processing and virtual archives.
Simultaneously, the resources of many computers in a network are applied to a single problem that requires a lot of computer processing cycles or access to large amounts of data.
Processing such a vast quantity of data wasbeyond the capacity of even modern supercomputers, so the team were forced totinker with the problem to make it tractable.
You might have run into this scenario if you work with XML files that contain sensitive data: you run into a problem, perhaps a bug, with your favorite XML processing tool.
As a conceptual framework for processing huge data sets, MapReduce is highly optimized for distributed problem-solving using a large number of computers.
This paper introduces a method for parking character survey and data processing. A feasible approach is proposed for revising iffy data in an analysis of these problem data.
The High-Performance Computing Cluster is mainly used to process complex calculation problem, or applied in large scientific calculation domain, such as petroleum exploration seismic data processing.
This article introduced the methods of data acquisition and processing by computer for machining error, and settled the problem of real time graph output in the manufacture process.
Aiming at the data quality problem in the framework net, lodging concrete processing methods.
For the problem of large amount of GIS map data, the algorithm of data compression by multi-resolution analysis and border processing is presented.
Gridding of irregular data is a basic problem in the processing and interpretation of geophysical data, and is also an indispensable means to assure the success of geophysical data processing methods.
In the research of seismology for monitoring nuclear explosion, data quality checking is a basic step for seismogram automatic processing, spike is the main problem data.
Trace interpolation plays an important role in seismic data processing. Spatial aliasing is a principal troublesome problem in seismic trace interpolation.
The static correction problem of P-SV converted wave has seriously constrained processing quality of converted wave data during Marine multi_component seismic exploration.
在海上多波地震勘探中,P SV转换波静校正问题严重影响了转换波资料的处理质量。
In the analytical continuation data processing of gravity and magnetic field, the important practical problem is the automatic reading decision for template access and its implementation on computers.
Baseline is very important to spaceborne interferometric SAR system design and data processing. For a micro-satellite cluster system, stability is an important problem for spatial baseline of INSAR.
In broad band communication, there is a key problem of soft radio, the rate of data need for processing is too high, and currently DSP can't do with so high rate data immediately.
The system consists of man-machine interface system, problem processing sy-stem, data base system and model base system.
Furthermore, how to share the algorithms and software resource of the remote sensing data processing is an emergent problem now.
We presented a new data processing procedure based on surface consistent deconvolution to solve this problem.
Restoration of near-offset missing datum is an interesting and important problem in seismic data processing.
Extracting poles from measured data has been an important problem in signal processing.
If you are actually having a problem with sending too many signals, then batch up the data on the processing thread and send the batch periodically on a timer.
The local software can parse the received data, and use the data for further processing. This can solve the increasingly serious problem of heterogeneous data exchange in Shanxi government extranet.
During trajectory-tracking photographic measurement, on occasion comes forth the problem that the tracking stations time is asynchronous, so the data cant be put into usual processing.
The application shows that the problem of reusing product data in the processing of product variant design can be resolved mostly satisfactory.
The application shows that the problem of reusing product data in the processing of product variant design can be resolved mostly satisfactory.