Additional query and data transfer time was required.
This can cut the time required to process queries by as much as 20 percent because more data can be kept in memory, reducing the number of I/O operations to slower mechanical disk drives.
这导致处理查询所需的时间降低了 20%,因为可以在内存中保存更多数据,减少了对缓慢的机械磁盘驱动器的I/O操作次数。
The time required to retrieve these three unique pieces of data adds to the overall request-processing time.
Consider the amount of data required in the log (time, event, and user information) or additional information like payload, custom messages, and so on.
Rational Performance Tester datapools are an easy way to link test data with your tests, which can help reduce the amount of time required to develop tests for performance and load testing.
RationalPerformance Tester是将测试数据链接到测试中最简单的方法,它有助于减少执行测试开发和负载测试所需时间。
In addition, even if you have the space to store the data first, additional time is required to store and then analyze.
Data transformation for Date and time is required.
These aggregations are closely aligned to the information requirements of the business process and will be required to formalize reusable XML data types at design time.
When the data has just been moved into that table, it contains in our scenario information that is no more than an hour old, plus a small delta corresponding to the time required to execute the step.
Obviously, EMD reduces the time required to consume a resource adapter by providing a means for exploring data and functions of an EIS.
The ground system provides command and control of the satellites, and receives and distributes payload data and real-time telemetry required to assess how well the satellites are functioning.
At the bottom of the output are the aggregate totals for both input power and processing time required to acquire the data.
As its name suggests, RTT is most useful when data is required in real-time.
This input/output (I/O) operation is time-consuming, compared with the amount of time required to access data that’s already in computer memory.
与访问已经在计算机内存中的数据相比,这种输入/输出 (I/O)操作非常耗时。
First, DB2 Merge backup provides an automated backup tool that can dramatically decrease the time required to complete full data backups.
首先,DB 2MergeBackup提供了一个自动备份工具,可以极大地减少完全数据备份所需的时间。
Whether stand-alone or used in conjunction with data Studio Administrator, this feature significantly reduces the time required to migrate databases.
There may be occasions when you want to return an image or perhaps to stream some custom binary data but most of the time, a simple HTML page is all that's required.
If you do not have the time, resources, or data required to create accurate business cases to justify your key data center and it initiatives for your CFO or board members, you are in the majority.
The time required for one subtract operation, excluding the time required for getting data from the memory and giving the result back to the memory.
The framework supplies ODBC as the data source; at run time, ODBC displays a dialog box asking for the data source name and any other required connection information.
In other cases, data motion is required to preserve data at deployment time.
With the industrial data, this model could forecast the nitrogen content and the Ar blowing time required to control the nitrogen level of the stainless steel in AOD refining process.
To reduce the amount of time required, hide most or all of the detail data in the view.
Based on test data, the formula correlative of time required for soil's expansive capacity, expansive speed rate and expansive deformation with initial moisture content is established.
The bandwidth selection can be changed which has a direct effect on the total time required to capture data.
Real -time data reading and storage which are required in serial communication occupy a large amount of system resources.
The Quality Department is required to display the company-level data in the form of figures, to control the actual operation status of the company, and report to the top management duly on time.
The presented method can be easily used in engineering for MTTF evaluation of large complex system, where limited testing data of unit life time is required.
The presented method can be easily used in engineering for MTTF evaluation of large complex system, where limited testing data of unit life time is required.