A completed strain report must consist of: Data summary, Pictures of boards and components, strain graphs and Raw Data files.
Describes each data element within the bulk data store, such as source organization, application support, data summary, index, catalog, or digests.
Profiling is a formal summary or analysis of data, often in the form of a graph or table, representing distinctive performance features or characteristics.
Another query against the summary table returns no data, but after the REFRESH table statement executes this time, the query runs successfully.
Summary data for each run or combined runs can be collected and charted.
In this example, we look at all the data objects referenced from the change summary tree and get the new data objects from there.
Select any data field in the table, such as the SUMMARY field.
Lookup and summary functions can provide simpler views on your data.
Not unexpectedly, a query against the summary table at this point returns no data.
For example, if data from March 2003 is removed from the fact table, then summary data for that month is removed from MQTs.
Another important feature included in the data graph is a change summary that is used to log information about what data objects and properties in the graph have changed during processing.
While these reports don't add much in terms of new data, they do present nice summary views of the verification point information.
Generally, MQTs are updated to remove the corresponding summary data.
The ability to serialize, and thus transport, all three elements — the metadata, the data, and the change summary.
We also present R5 clustered mail workload data including a summary view of the cluster data testing.
There are various ways to use the a data graph's change summary.
There is no need to specify a SQL statement for updates because the Relational DAS derives this from the model and the contact data object's change summary.
Mark Mather: They're not gonna use people's information in any way except for reporting the summary data.
Summary data for the TOP section showing average CPU and memory utilization for each command.
After the process is finished, Rational Data Architect displays a summary of warnings, errors, or both if any occurred (Figure 37).
The script exports each .pcv file, takes a diff of the resulting data, and prints a summary of the changes.
脚本输出每一个 .pcv文件,采取不同的结果数据,并显示处这些更改的总结。
The system provides them with access to summary medical data on patients, says Mike Jones, vice president and CIO.
For this example, the data graph is made of Employee data objects (and a change summary).
Data browser window — displays run summary data in the memory TAB; and displays. memory profiling data in the Call graph, Function List view, and Object List view tabs.
Databrowser窗口——在Memory选项卡中显示执行的概要数据,在call图、FunctionList视图,和Object List视图选项卡中显示内存概要数据。
The report TAB shows the GC and Memory Visualizer's report on the data, with a summary of each selected field, a tabular summary of the whole log, and a series of tuning recommendations.
The second part of the script contains code for analyzing the data and displaying summary results in HTML and graphics formats. The essential structure of the explore.php
Thus, there's also a need for a facility that can provide this data transformation. In summary, the minimum functionalities provided by an ESB are
Another query against the summary table returns no data as well.
Reading the complete log and extracting a summary of useful data can be difficult and time-consuming.
Finally, understanding your data means more than just looking at summary values.