While this query simply returns a list of titles, names, and URLs, a more complex query could extract all of the data present in the matched items.
You now have all the data returned from the request and send that data to the parser so that you can get the blog entry titles in the updates feed.
On the hotel website make sure that the keyword density, H1 and H2 headers, page titles and meta data reflect best practices and latest trends.
The form consists of constant elements (titles, labels, and explanations) and variable text or image elements, which depend on the data stored in the enterprise database.
Filling in the data for the titles of the headers of the vertical dimension is the second and final step for turning the left-most column of the grid into the vertical dimension of the matrix.
The Netflix API allows access to data for over 100,000 movie and TV episode titles on DVD as well Netflix account access on a member's behalf.
You use the element in this example because the tableView displays all the titles of the last 30 blog entries from the API data that you retrieved.
This data is accessible within each activated route and can be used to store items such as page titles, breadcrumb text and other read-only data.
Security titles from Cisco Press help networking professionals secure critical data and resources, prevent and mitigate network attacks, and build end-to-end, self-defending networks.
Data on human mast cells are limited, and the mast-cell source and species from which findings derive are frequently not indicated in the titles and summaries of research publications.
The effects of the location of the titles, the complexity of the presented data, and the difficulty of the questions on performance with tables and graphs were studied.
On the basis of correctness and normative of auditing accounting titles, this paper points out importance and accuracy of auditing financial statements and data.
On the basis of correctness and normative of auditing accounting titles, this paper points out importance and accuracy of auditing financial statements and data.