Adds or updates a database record.
Refresh linked shape cells using values from the database record.
After clicking Edit, you will be able to change values for the database record.
An element of a database record in which one piece of information is stored.
The script can then store the value of the <atom:updated> time stamp in a database record.
脚本随后可以把 <atom:updated>时间戳的值存储到数据库记录中。
In addition, the online book sale system is also provided searching the database record function to consumer.
And you have an object, which you've named "angle_of_repose," that has all the information from the appropriate database record.
于是你得到物件被称作“ angle _ of _repose ”,它有著所有从资料库捞出来的资料。
The database record (s) for that account is locked (depending on the database management system, more than just a single balance might be locked).
Row buffering and table buffering are the usual method of dealing with the database record, but they are not valid to deal with the large data.
The update operation implementation must make a qualified update to the database record such as, "update record.".. where the the revision counter equals...
Using — show with an ID runs the SQL script to get the matching database record, creates an Automobile object that has the data, and displays the results to the console.
This node object is populated with data from the database record in the node and node_revisions tables, whose primary key field value is the same as the node id in the URL.
用node和 node_revisions表中的数据库记录数据填充这个节点对象(node object),这个记录的主键字段值与URL 中的节点id相同。
Data cleaning and transformation is an important area of data warehouse, the method for detecting approximately duplicate database record is one of technology difficulties.
The article introduces some research work about the first type of association rules updating, that is, the association rules updating problem when the database record increases.
It is not necessary to have server requests and responses coincide with user actions, such as a request for an update to a database record and a response that the update was successful.
The server retrieves a database record for the item and returns it in an XML (Extensible Markup Language) format to the client browser, which renders a small popup window to show the information.
服务器获取这个条目的数据库记录并以XML (ExtensibleMarkupLanguage)格式把记录返回给客户机浏览器。客户机浏览器显示一个小的弹出窗口,在其中显示收到的信息。
What if we want to write to a file outside the database or send the auditing record on a message queue?
In other cases, it could be a record ID from the database or something else.
Read one widget record from the database.
You use the active record pattern to wrap relational database persistence methods in domain classes.
You pass the new values of name, date, and the deleted flag to the update service for updating the record in the database.
Rather, when data changes, the database should just add another record and note duly the previous value for that record.
For sparse lookup, a database query is generated based on each input record and the query is sent to the target database to get the result.
This process first updates the CRM record in the database with the order status and then creates a human task to display the order.
In order to create a record in the database from the JSP, you need to establish a database connection.
Then when a value is set, the key is removed from the database and a new record is added with the updated value.
This allows you to retrieve the values of the submitted variables and enter them as a new record into the database.
These messages allow the database to record that a file is believed to be about to be deleted, so creation messages for it don't generate errors.
A corresponding entry in a database will record the origin, species, size and destination of the log in question.
In DB2 9, any data row that is equal to or less than the database manager minimum record length is not used in the sampling when building the dictionary, and is not compressed during row compression.
在DB 29中,在构建字典时,任何小于或等于数据库管理器最小记录长度的数据行都不用于抽样,并且在行压缩期间不会被压缩。