The Database resource Manager has new options that allow for more granular control of resources.
That impact is due to the overhead in creating and destroying those objects by the database resource manager process.
The Local transaction model gets its name from the fact that transactions are managed by the underlying database resource manager, not the container or framework your application is running in.
In that situation, a J2EE component can use connection objects without causing overheads on the database resource manager, since a pool manager creates the connection objects up front, at startup.
When an EJB component wants to access a database, a message queue server, or some other transactional resource, it acquires a connection to the resource manager (usually by using JNDI).
The next sections list some key highlights for these four steps in middleware environments using different database or messaging products as a resource manager.
The EJB container, persistence manager and the relational resource adapter and database work together to control the concurrency.
After you publish, the resource is available as a table or as a stored procedure within a database under the Virtual View Manager data Services node, as shown in Figure 7.
For a JTA EntityManager, the JTA transaction is propagated to the underlying resource manager (i.e., the virtual database, which relays the transaction to physical databases).
对于JTAEntityManager, JTA事务被传递到底层的资源管理器(即虚拟数据库,由它将这个事务中继到物理数据库)。
Each additional agent requires some resource overhead that is allocated at the time the database manager is started.
If the database is the only resource manager that is participating in the transactions, the data is consistent.
In this exercise setup, since we only have one Resource Manager, replace icmnlsdb with RMDB to perform online backup for Resource Manager database.
The resource manager will then process the request and choose the approiate resource according to the description, attributes and relevant knowledge representation stored in the database.
The resource manager will then process the request and choose the approiate resource according to the description, attributes and relevant knowledge representation stored in the database.