Many advocates think that transparent data procedures with a date and time stamp will protect scientists from being scooped.
This date and time stamp example makes use of this option.
Of course, it is also worth checking that the resource is one you recognize (like one of your recipient addresses), that the stamp was not spent before, and that the date is current.
All logging adds a date and time stamp to the log; however, it is the plug-in's responsibility to identify itself in the log due to the multiple of plug-ins writing to the combined file.
On the next page, browse to the downloaded model interchange zip and select it, as shown in Figure 22 (the date stamp will differ).
The time stamp is the date and time when we pulled in the content.
Place and date, signature and Stamp of.
Finally, you need to change the date stamp on the Default.jsp file for the theme changes to take effect.
最后,您需要更改Default . jsp文件上的日期戳,这样才能使主题更改生效。
DurationLabel: Identifies the duration that is associated with the Constant value specified if the partitioning key column has been assigned a date, time, or time stamp data type.
DurationLabel:如果分区键列的数据类型是日期、时间或时间戳,这个参数指定与Constan t值相关的时间单位。
Wait until the import is complete, and import the EndToEndMonitor project interchange zip, as shown in Figure 23 (the date stamp will vary).
The new node is named after the component under test and includes the word "Configuration" and a date and time stamp in the name, as shown in Figure 2.
该节点以测试中的组件命名,而且包括“Configuration ”、日期及名字中的时间标记,如图2所示。
The date (and time) a stamp was minted.
I find it helpful to append a date-time stamp to create uniqueness.
The UTC time stamp in seconds will need to be converted into a more meaningful current date time stamp.
A: What's the importance of the date, time and number stamp printed on the top of the fax?
Need to stamp a filename with it's creation date? It's easy, and in lots of different formats too!
The first, called stamp, contains a date string.
For direct service by an accepting institution, a receipt is necessary and the applicant shall date and sign or stamp on it.
To keep the date-time stamp or version number accurate, you need to set up a trigger on the table to update it when a change to a row occurs.
Specifies the number of minutes after the last activity date-time stamp for a user account during which the user is considered online.
I remembered the vision clearly, and knew this fridge was the date stamp of an upcoming event.
Personnel record: name, date, photo, id card, signature, stamp.
However, if the transport document indicates, by stamp or notation, a date of dispatch, taking in charge or shipped on board, this date will be deemed to be the date of shipment.
This check of date and time can be turned off in the Program Settings if your images have a precise time stamp in the file header.
In one embodiment, the expiration engine writes expiration information to the optical media, such as a date stamp at initialization of a recordable optical medium.
In one embodiment, the expiration engine writes expiration information to the optical media, such as a date stamp at initialization of a recordable optical medium.