Each of the above classes leverages system properties such as owner and date created.
上述每个类别都利用了系统属性,比如owner和date created。
The summary includes the database name, its owner, total size allocated, total size used, dbspace name, and date created.
General Format: Author (corporations, governments) : Title of Site. Sponsor. Date Created (use n. d. if not given) medium. Date accessed.
After technical discussion with the CTP team, we discovered that there were fields that were created but not populated or kept up to date.
When output is created from multiple files or the standard input stream, the current date and time are used instead of the filename and creation date.
Remember that the comparison works on the filename, not the file system creation or modification date, and so the script is able to work with files that might have been created overnight.
The implementation sets the password expiration date to 90 days from the time that the password is initially created or changed.
Mapping is by its nature inexact, a tenuous connection between constantlychanging physical reality and a representation of same that's out of date theinstant it's created.
In the model we've created, all attributes of the LoanApplicationType are of type Text, but you can use any primitive type, such as Integer or Date.
Created is rendered as a date field, indicated by the icon on the right.
This submit() method receives the name and date value supplied by the user and sets it in a newly created customer object.
这个submit()方法接收用户提供的姓名和日期值,并在一个新创建的Customer 对象中设置这些值。
Similarly, an HSSFDataFormat is created per workbook but represents only numeric formatting, like date and time formats.
You can infer that new relationships have been created with the newly created entities Date and Time.
In Listing 4, which is a Groovlet, a Map (dubbed iparams) is created with three properties - a name, date, and distance for a race.
This is a timestamp that is set by the Lotus script code to the current date and time whenever the conditions above apply and an automatic CSLD retrieval job is created.
Suppose we created and deployed a process template called "Process" with the Valid From date of Apr 01, 2006 19:22:39.
假设我们创建并部署了一个名为“Process”的流程模板,其ValidFrom日期是 Apr01, 2006 19:22:39。
For the -log-file option, a unique log file name is created, using conversion symbols and the date command (the file name includes program name, process ID, date, and time).
对于-log - file选项,只能创建一个日志文件名称,利用转换符号和日期命令(这个文件名称包括程序名称,过程ID,日期,以及时间)。
Each element has a title, the main text, a date, and a unique key field called guid (for globally unique id), which is assigned when the item is created.
各元素都有标题、正文、日期和一个名为guid (“globally uniqueid”的缩写,表示全局惟一id)的惟一键字段,这个字段是在创建项目时指派的。
The create date column specifies the date when the database was created, with YYYY-MM-DD being the format.
Createdate列是创建数据库的日期,采用YYYY- MM - dd格式。
This created file is placed in the current directory and is called esx-XXXX-XX-XX.XXXX.tgz (replace the Xs with date/pid information: for example, esx-2005-01-04.27059.tgz).
这个文件放在当前目录中,并被命名为esx-XXXX-XX-XX.XXXX.tgz(其中 X 是日期/进程标识符信息,例如 esx-2005-01-04.27059.tgz)。
Once tasks are created you can check the task and change the due date, the repeat of the task, a time estimate, tags, location of the task, or a URL.
Listing 3 is a nice example I created to search for people in a users table, based on a location and date-of-birth variables.
More than likely, a simple date-based naming scheme will not be sufficient, as these names will become too vague and unclear as more backups are created.
We have a specialty package that was created just for this date -- the 11-11-11 Ceremony Special includes a bouquet that’s a mix of 11 roses and 11 calla lilies .
As Geoffrey Robertson and Andrew Nicol explain in their excellent book Media law, England's defamation laws date back to a statute created in 1275.
Federated procedure SYBSTOCKQUOTE is created for the remote Sybase procedure that takes the stock name and the date as an input parameter as.
Material status report is created according to purchasing / sourcing / transferring material status, should including delivery date, delivery plan and risk parts list with comments.
Material status report is created according to purchasing / sourcing / transferring material status, should including delivery date, delivery plan and risk parts list with comments.